What’s red and black with dead all over? Carnage takes on Deadpool once again in the mother of all sequels! At long last- Wade Wilson is ready to get his head on straight- so the Merc with a Mouth checks himself in to the prestigious Ravencroft Institute. Unfortunately- the facility has another new arrival: the psychopathic symbiote called Carnage! And he isn’t there for a therapy session! In their last battle- Deadpool ended up hosting five separate symbiotes – and now- that’s made him a prime target for codex hunters! The deadly Dark Carnage has put a target on Wade’s back- and the Marvel Universe’s most dangerous forces are on his trail! Deadpool’s only way out will give new meaning to Absolute Carnage! Madness and mayhem abound in the can’t-miss showdown of the year! Plus: Chewie’s been Carnagized- and Carol ain’t happy about it! It’s Earth’s Mightiest Hero against a symbiotic space cat! Collecting ABSOLUTE CARNAGE VS. DEADPOOL #1-3 and ABSOLUTE CARNAGE: CAPTAIN MARVEL #1. Parental Advisory
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